Brook House,
Demmings Road, Demmings Industrial Estate, Cheadle,
SK8 2PE.
Health and Safety Policy
Reviewed 01/9/2019 1
Issue 5
Konect Electrical Services Ltd
Statement of General Policy
It is Konect Electricals policy:
- To provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from the organisations work activities.
- To consult with employees & third parties on matters affecting their health and safety
- To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
- To ensure safe handling and use of substances hazardous to health
- To provide information, instruction and supervision to all employees
- To ensure all employees are competent to achieve their tasks, and to provide them with adequate training.
- To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
- To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervalsThe allocation of duties and responsibilities for safety matters, and the arrangements, by which the safety policy is to be implemented, are set out in the attached notes.A breach of the duty of care imposed by health and safety legislation by either the management of Konect Electrical or any of its employees is a criminal offence, which can result in a custodial sentence in extreme cases.Signed: K Oultram Managing Director Date: 05/10/2018 Reviewed 01/9/2019 2
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Reviewed 01/9/2019
Organisation Chart Company Structure
Susan Oultram Director & Company Secretary Duties Include
Liaising with Accounts Department Administration, Business Development. Deputy for Company’s Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety systems
Karl Oultram
Managing Director
Duties Include
Day to day running of Konect Electrical Services, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Estimating, Design, Human Relations, Manager for the Company’s Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety
Anthony Cullan
Project Manager
Duties Include
Managing of employees, Project Management, Procurement, Health & Safety on Site. Project account processing.
Hands On Foreman 1
Hands On Foreman 2
Hands On Foreman 3
Accounts Clerk
Duties Include
Book keeping, Accounts Administration, Invoice Processing
Zachary Oultram Estimation & Design Manager Duties Include
Design, estimation, procurement & planning of future projects.
Working Electricians Working Electricians
Working Electricians
Reviewed 01/9/2019
1.0 Responsibilities
The Directors endorse Konect Electrical Health & Safety Policy.
The Managing Director will ensure relevant arrangements and resources are available to enable policy implementation and monitoring within the company.
The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring the policy is put into practice on a day to day basis.
To ensure health and safety standards are maintained, safety representatives have been appointed and have responsibility in the following areas.
An external consultant is retained by the organisation and provides a source of competent advice
All employees must:
- Co-operate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters.
- Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
- Take reasonable care of their own heath and safety and other persons health & safety who may be affected by their acts or omissions
- Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person. Failure to comply with any of the above may result in disciplinary action.
2.0 Health & Safety Arrangements 3.0 Consultation with Employee’s Konect Electrical will ensure that:
- Information is co-ordinated between Konect Electrical employees and other occupiers of the premises
- Regular meetings are held, new legislation and information is relayed to all concerned in an understandable format.5
Safety Representatives Name: | Responsible for: |
Foreman 1 | Site work |
Foreman 2 | Site work |
Foreman 3 | Site work |
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
Konect Electrical has established a safety committee, which will meet regularly and review safety performances within the company. The committee will consist of employers and employees and will be chaired by a person with executive powers who can act upon the decisions reached by the committee.
Persons to Consult
Konect Electrical will consult with employees directly, or with any elected or nominated representatives.
Functions of Health and Safety Representatives
Representatives or nominated persons functions are to make representations of any potential hazards or dangerous occurrences within the workplace and on general matters pertaining to health and safety at work.
Konect Electrical will ensure that any representative or nominated person will be provided with training in respect of their functions through out the company including senior management.
4.0 Accident/Incident Reporting
All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported to the appropriate person by the Managing Director. Accidents will be logged and Konect Electrical will notify the H.S.E using the approved form at the earliest opportunity.
All instances of industrial diseases/illnesses are to be reported to management. Industrial diseases will be reported to the HSE using the approved form if required.
All accidents will be investigated by a competent and a report sent to the Managing Director
5.0 Competency & Training
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- All employees are provided with an induction
- Job specific training is provided
- All employees are qualified & competent
- Training records are kept and available on request
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
6.0 Young Persons
Konect Electrical will ensure no young person will be subjected to work:
- Which is beyond his/her physical or psychological capacity
- Involving harmful exposure to agents which are toxic or carcinogenic,cause heritable genetic damage or harm to an unborn child or which inany other way chronically affect human health
- Involving harmful exposure to radiation
- Involving the risk of accidents which it may be reasonably assumedcannot be recognised or avoided by young persons owing to theirinsufficient attention to safety or lack of experience or training.
- In which there is a risk to health from:
- Extreme cold or heat
- Noise
- vibration
Konect Electrical will complete a Young Persons risk assessment and provide instruction, information, training and supervision to the Young Person.
7.0 Welfare
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Toilets and washing facilities are available with hot and cold water, soap, drying facilities
- Storage for outdoor clothing, a readily accessible supply of drinking water and a suitable area to consume foodstuffs is available
- Suitable and sufficient lighting is available and maintainedIn most cases in the course of our work this is provided and pre-organised for as part of our contract with our customer or by either ourselves. If such facilities cannot be provided employees will be allowed time to source local alternatives.
8.0 Pregnant Workers
Konect Electrical will ensure:
• •
Employees are made aware they must inform the company if they are pregnant.
Risk assessments are carried out on all pregnant workers and any recommendations are acted upon.
Konect Electrical will ensure:
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
- Visitors and sub-contractors are informed of any particular hazards which they might expect to encounter during their time on-site.
- Visitors and sub-contractors are informed of any precautions that they should take.
10.0 Display Screen Equipment
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- An assessment of DSE activities is carried out.
- Any control measures identified by the assessment are implemented.
11.0 Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Konect Electrical Services Ltd operate a zero tolerance proceedure for employees and subcontractors in relation to Alcohol and drugs misuse. Any employee believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs during work is considered as gross misconduct and will be investigated, which dependant on the outcome may result in disciplinary action,
12.0 Risk Assessments
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Risk assessments are completed for all significant risks within the company.
- Only trained competent people will carry out and review risk assessments.
13.0 First Aid
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- A reasonable number of trained first aiders are available within the organisation.
- First aiders names are posted on the notice board at head office
- First aid kits are available and well stocked
- First aid procedures are available
14.0 Emergency Procedures and Fire Evacuation
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- A reasonable number of fire wardens are trained and available.
- Fire wardens names and evacuation procedures are posted
- The fire alarm systems are maintained and tested in line with company
• Escape routes remain clear
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
- Employees are aware of the fire evacuation procedures on and off site
- A fire risk assessment is completed and reviewed when necessary
15.0 Electricity at Work
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Only competent people are permitted to maintain electrical equipment.
- Wherever practicable, electrical equipment will be switched off wheneverany maintenance work is required to be carried out.
- Risk assessments are carried out before any electrical work commences.
- Electrical equipment will be periodically inspected by competent people;any equipment found to be defective will be withdrawn from use for repair or disposal.
16.0 Electrical Equipment
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Electrical equipment is in good working order
- Where possible low voltage equipment will be used.
- Visual inspections are carried out before work commences and anydefective equipment is reported and quarantined.
- All electrical equipment is regularly maintained.
17.0 Safe Handling and Use of Substances
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Only competent persons handle hazardous substances
- Employees are aware of any hazardous substances they may come intocontact with during the course of their work.
- Risk assessments are completed for all chemicals present on site andcontrol measures are implemented.
- Procedures for handling hazardous substances are available and relayedto staff.
- Storage facilities are available
- Research is completed before purchasing new substances to ensure theycan be used safely
18.0 Safe Plant, Equipment
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Reporting procedures for defective equipment are available
- Work Equipment and Plant is maintained and in good working order
- Faulty equipment is identified and either repaired, replaced or removedfrom site.
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
• New plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.
19.0 Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.)
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Any P.P.E required for the job is available free of charge
- Safety spectacles, steel toe capped boots, overalls, respiratory equipment;hi-viz vests and safety gloves are enforced in line with companyprocedures.
- P.P.E. is available on request.
- Employees are trained in the safe use of P.P.E20.0 NoiseKonect Electrical will ensure:
- The risk of employees damaging their hearing in work is reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level.
- Where reasonably practicable the noise levels will be reduced by engineering or other methods.
- Employees are supplied with the necessary personal protective equipment to protect their hearing.
21.0 Working at Height
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Working at height is avoided whenever possible
- Mechanical aids or scaffolding are made available whenever possible
- Working at height procedures are available and followed
- Any equipment used for working at height is inspected and maintained bya competent person in line with relevant legislation.
- Any defective equipment used for working at height is removed from siteand scrapped.
- A risk assessment is completed and any control measures areimplemented.
- Steps and Ladders are used if no other option is available and for a shortduration of time
- Documentation procedures are in place to monitor the condition of accessequipment, erection procedures, and the correct use of equipment.
- Tool box training of operatives with regard the selection of the correct
access equipment for the task in hand will be provided.
22.0 Confined Space
Konect Electrical will ensure:
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
- Confined space entry is avoided whenever possible
- Confined space entry procedures are available and followed
- Risk assessments are completed for confined space entry and any controlmeasures are implemented.
23.0 Manual Handling
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Mechanical aids are available to assist with manual handling.
- Employees are trained in correct manual handling techniques.
- Risk assessments are completed for manual handling tasks.
24.0 Machinery Guarding
Konect Electrical will ensure all machinery guards are:
- Robust and Securely Fixed
- Easily adjustable, where necessary
- Maintained and in good conditionAny employee found removing or tampering with guarding without authorisation will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
25.0 Lifting Equipment
Konect Electrical will ensure:
- Employees are trained in the safe use of lifting equipment.
- All lifting equipment is examined/inspected in accordance with statute law.
- Defective lifting equipment reporting procedures are implemented
- Damaged or faulty lifting equipment is quarantined until repaired or
26.0 Sub Contractors (if applicable)
Konect will ensure all subcontractors are:
- Competent to carry out the task
- Provided with relevant information pertaining to the job 27.0 Asbestos
Konect will ensure:
Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
- Employees are instructed to inspect the asbestos register for the building and are aware of any task that could result in the risk of exposure to asbestos.
- Any areas where there maybe a risk of exposure to asbestos are identified
- Procedures are implemented for dealing with asbestos
- Employees are made aware of procedures
- That If Asbestos is suspected in the working area then the work will stopimmediately and the manager of the site will be contacted at the earliest opportunity
28.0 Lone Working
Konect will ensure:
- That ‘plant’ used by lone workers is properly maintained.
- Special training is provided for lone workers if necessary
- That communication is established with lone workers which is appropriateto the circumstances
29.0 Peripatetic Workers
Konect will ensure:
- All employees comply with the site rules
- Specific site risk assessments are carried out prior to commencing work
- Employees adhere with current legislation
30.0 Special Waste
Konect Electrical will ensure:
• Waste is disposed of according to company procedures and in compliance with local regulations
31.0 Monitoring
To check staff Physical & Mental Health status, Wellbeing and working conditions, and ensure safe working practices are being followed Konect Electrical will:
- Carry out regular premises/site inspections
- Review accident statistics and identify trends
- Investigate accidents to identify the root cause and prevent reoccurrence
- Carry out spot checks
- Communicate and monitor staff well being in relation to health and mantalhealth. Staff will be encouraged to seek medical help when necessary.
12Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019
32.0 Communication
- The Company is committed to ensure that employees are aware of health and safety requirements through the development and issue of procedures, work instructions, method statements, general memos and formal briefings.
- Where appropriate employees shall have input into the review and approval of all health and safety related processes and the associated documentation prior to its issue.
- This shall include involvement in carrying out hazard and risk assessments and implementing measures to manage/control identified issues.Induction training for new employees shall include an introduction to Company health and safety plan.
33.0 Health Surveillance
- The Company will carry out risk assessments in order to decide if health surveillance is appropriate covering such areas as noise, dermatitis, respiratory and vibration.
- We will place affected employees under suitable health surveillance where the risk assessment(s) indicate that health surveillance is appropriate.
- Consult with employees over the proposed arrangements for health surveillance and for the need for affected employees to participate in these arrangements.
- Inform affected employees of the health risks and of the health surveillance procedure.
- Ensure that the person carrying out the health surveillance procedure is competent to undertake the task.
- Ensure that the results of health surveillance are suitably recorded and that the records are kept readily available for inspection by any person who has a right to see them.
- Suitably action any recommendations made as result of health surveillance and if necessary review the associated risk assessment.
- Treat an individual’s health surveillance records as confidential information.
- Inform employees of the collective results of health surveillance, but ensuring that no individual is identified.
- Ensuring that health surveillance records are retained for statutory retention periods.
- A Pre-medical questionnaire will be sent out to all new starters before commencing employment with the company.13Konect Electrical, Unit 1, Brook House, Demmings Ind Est., Cheadle, Stockport, SK8 5JA Date: 01/9/2019